Area Rugs

Area Rugs

One of the simplest ways to give a room a whole new look for a fraction of the costs. Area rugs allow for the cozy feel of a carpet without the commitment to full installation. Area rugs can accent room and match your style and can be a staple in any room. See how you can improve any room with an area rug!

Benefits of Areas Rugs

Rea rugs can be a perfect way to transform a room without the hassle of installation and upkeep as with carpet flooring. They can provide the benefits of carpet flooring without the long-term commitment. Area rugs can be cleaned and removal from a room is much easier. Area rugs can come in the variety of carpets with different textures, looks, and designs, so your options are endless. To see what options we have in stock, call us or visit us in-store!

Living Area with Rug — Odessa, TX — Crenshaw Flooring
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